Living and healthy water in your glass


Research Coral-Mine
One of the areas of scientific research conducted at the Bion Institute is measuring the effects of (ultra-) weak radiation from various sources. This radiation cannot be measured by conventional measuring devices. Even many less traditional devices are not yet able to measure this type of radiation (physical or chemical effects) with sufficient reliability – but technology is constantly developing in this direction too.

Read more here: BION
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(in a package of 30 sachets for a month)

"Coral-Mine" regulates mineral balance, normalizing the work of all organs and systems.

A sachet placed in 1.5 liters of water enriches it with useful minerals: restores the water-salt balance of the body, has a positive effect on the kidneys and digestive system, regulates blood pressure, and starts the process of regeneration of healthy cell offspring.
In 5-10 minutes, the water is ready for use.
Drink 20-30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after.

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It cannot be said that water is necessary for life: it is life.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
How to drink water with Coral-mine
How Coral-Mine makes water alive and bioavailable.
How much water should you drink?
Everyone knows that water is the basis of life. It is so important for the human body because we are 70% water. It should be remembered that not all water is the same. Water should be real, energizing, living and biologically compatible with the body's requirements.
Healthy lifestyle preachers shout on every corner that you need to drink at least two liters of water a day to be healthy and beautiful. For some, this figure is too big, and for others, it is too small. We are all different and lead different lifestyles, so why do we all get the same recommendations?! We decided to find out from an expert how much water each of us actually needs to consume so as not to harm the body.

5 reasons that explain the importance of water for humans:

• is the main solvent of all types of food, vitamins and minerals. It breaks down food into small particles, supports the processes of metabolism and assimilation;
• ensures the transportation of all substances within the body;
• unites the functions of the brain and body, increasing the adaptive reserves of all metabolisms;
• is the best means for weight loss. If you drink water on time, then the weight will go away without special diets and restrictions, because we often confuse thirst with hunger, eating at the moment when the body needs water;
• the human body does not have water reserves that can support life in conditions of dehydration, so you need to drink water regularly.

And here a reasonable question arises: what water should be considered “the same” - from the tap, from a filter or bottled, well or spring, magnetized or from a source?
According to toxicologists’ statistics, 27 g of boron, 500 g of aluminum, 1 liter of gasoline, 3 kg of iron, 25 kg of nitrates, and 109 kg of chlorine (that’s two bags of bleach!) enter our bodies with drinking city water over 25 years.
The numbers are terrifying and impressive, but what is even more significant is that these elements accumulating in the body can cause various diseases: liver and kidney dysfunction, gastrointestinal problems, or even Alzheimer's disease.

Properties of "magic" water.

The right water has its own unique physical and biochemical properties, and its “usefulness” can be determined by indicators of biological safety, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, surface tension of molecules, degree of mineralization and other parameters.

The latest modern research by physicists in the field of water has discovered a completely unique property of it - the stereometric form of clusters (the arrangement of water clusters among themselves). The fact is that in the most biologically "living" water for the body's cells, these same clusters do not form an angular configuration, but, on the contrary, a soft and oval one. This is the characteristic that is usually inherent in natural, spring, mountain, ocean and spring water that has not been subjected to harsh human impact.

It should be noted that you can enrich water with mineral elements and clean it from excess chemical impurities using various filters - this way it will not be able to harm your health.

Formula for calculating the water rate.

Once these points are completed, you can move on to the main part - the amount of water consumed, your daily norm. Many people talk about eight glasses a day, but this is a conditional figure. In fact, the norm is easy to calculate: 30-50 ml per kilogram of weight, provided that the body is healthy - that's the whole formula. But if you are just starting to follow a drinking regime, then you should think about removing slags and toxins - then the amount of water consumed needs to be increased. There is another way to calculate: take your weight and divide it in half, 10% of the resulting figure is your minimum water per day.

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Every day, hundreds of thousands of people around the world maintain health, beauty, cleanliness in their homes and strengthen their intention to change their lives for the better with the help of innovative Coral Club products.

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  • We help people feel better, more confident and more self-sufficient.
  • We inspire people to change the world for the better with care for the environment and harmony.
You can be healthy and unhappy, you can be unhealthy and happy, but, you must agree, it is still better to be healthy and happy at the same time.
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Phone: +1 848 202-2327