Gastrointestinal tract.
80% of the foods we consume daily are acid-forming, which means that the ratio of acids to alkalis in the body will be 80:20. Processing foods at high temperatures also leads to the formation of excess acids.
Most problems associated with the disruption of the digestive functions of the body arise due to a violation of the acid-base balance towards excessive acidity.
These are: thrush, colitis, ulcers, constipation, and also diarrhea.
It has been 100% proven that kidney and gallbladder stones consist of bone calcium, which was removed due to a lack of calcium intake with food.
But who among us drinks regular water, and not tea or coffee, or the same cola?
Coca-Cola is several times more acidic than any other drink. SANGO coral is 90% calcium carbonate, contains strontium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and a large amount of iodine. There are 70 elements of the periodic table. Calcium from SANGO coral easily turns into ionic form and is perfectly absorbed by the body.
With age, as menopause approaches, the female body produces less and less estrogen, which is responsible for transporting calcium to bone tissue. The absence of this hormone leads to a chronic calcium deficiency in the body, and therefore to diseases such as osteoporosis and susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases.
It is ionic calcium from SANGO coral that is the most effective means for delivering calcium to bone tissue and can be recommended for all women. No side effects are observed.
According to Professor Kobayashi, regular use of calcium from SANGO coral prevents high blood pressure and prevents liver damage. He established a direct link between the number of strokes and the acid-base (pH) balance of the body. The more acidic the drinking water, the higher the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Long-term increase in acidity can further lead to stroke.
There are different forms of arthritis. The main symptoms are crunching, pain in the joints, increased sensitivity after a night's sleep. As the disease progresses, joint deformation and unbearable pain occur.
Herbalists, allopaths and homeopaths believe that arthritis is caused by free radicals formed from certain types of fatty acids that enter the body through animal fats.
Calcium from SANGO coral is the best known antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals and protects cells from destruction
Most people's bones need extra calcium, and arthritis sufferers simply need it. Calcium contained in regular tablets enters the body in the form of large molecules that settle at the bottom of the stomach as a sticky mass and are absorbed by the body in tiny amounts. Calcium from SANGO coral, presented in ionic form, is completely absorbed.
This is an ideal way to saturate the body with water with essential minerals, thanks to which bones are rejuvenated and become stronger.
The vast army of allergy sufferers* mostly do not even suspect that their condition is caused by chronic dehydration. The fact is that in a state of dehydration, the level of histamine production increases exponentially.
If water enters the body in sufficient quantities, histamine disappears by itself where it should not be; its release into the blood stops, and allergy symptoms such as shortness of breath disappear by themselves. Otherwise, excessive release of histamine into the blood can lead to the fact that some types of leukocytes, especially sensitive to high concentrations of this substance, begin to die. Since leukocytes are responsible for immune function, it is easy to guess that a decrease in their number can lead to a weakening of the body's defenses. As a result, the immune system of the bone marrow is suppressed.
Histamine is "disengaged" from working with the immune system and begins to enter the tissues in large quantities. At the same time, the production of antibodies to combat antigens is insufficient.
As a result, allergic phenomena associated with allergens of various kinds arise - for example, pollen or animal hair.
Coral-Mine contains calcium ions, which have an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, simply "washes out" histamine from the body and allergy problems are removed by themselves. Coral water restores and significantly increases the efficiency of the immune mechanism of the spinal cord, where the entire immune system (all its mechanisms) of the human body is formed.
Allergy is not even a disease, it is a group of different diseases, which are based on a pathological process. Histamine is a powerful chemical substance produced by the body's cells as a result of an allergic reaction.
The ever-increasing flow of information via television, computers, requiring confined spaces and movement restrictions primarily affects the skin, eyes, brain, blood vessels and joints. All these organs experience a lack of water.
As a result - red eyes and dry skin, tired, depressive state, i.e. in a word - stress. Uncontrolled consumption of coffee during intense study, work only leads to dehydration, because the volume of excreted urine, as a rule, exceeds the volume of liquid drunk. The same applies to other energy drinks.
For recovery, the body takes "strategic reserves" of energy, which inevitably leads to their depletion, and subsequently to chronic diseases.
That is why, if in old age you want to enjoy years not burdened by serious illnesses, it is so important to drink clean water containing minerals and microelements, for children, pregnant women, when the brain, bone, nervous and muscular systems are just forming, and at a young age.